Poverty, desperate circumstances and a questionable future are prominent among many across the country and right here in our local region. The human population keeps growing when there are already so many that lack some or all of life’s basic necessities like nutrition, clean water, sanitation and even electricity. Imagine what it must be like for someone living in these conditions in an otherwise productive and advanced environment where new technologies are constantly emerging, and yet basic needs are not being met.
The food bank believes in offering cutting-edge technology and forward-thinking models through its programs and services to ensure every person who struggles with food insecurity has enough healthy nutritious food to eat, but we CAN do more by taking it one step further by becoming better stewards of our resources.
Our project is complete!! We are using this innovative concept to bring clean energy to the forefront for nonprofits in the Northern Neck and Upper Middle Peninsula while also providing a cost-effective alternative technology that will result in a reliable, maintenance-free, green solution that will reduce the organization’s carbon footprint and provide access to clean and abundant resources for generations to come.
Converting to solar will reduce overall emissions generated by the facility over time and create cost savings and a long-term free source of electricity, both of which provide creative fiscal oversight of donor funds. Reducing energy costs means those funds will be available for program expansion, going straight to the heart of our mission.
Mother Teresa once said, “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, TOGETHER WE CAN DO GREAT THINGS!” Together we can do our part to overcome the depletion of natural resources by creating a system of change that protects our environment and provides ample resources for generations to come.